jeudi 24 juillet 2008

Long live the underground...

Extrait du manifeste U.R.:

"Underground Resistance is a label for a movement. A movement that wants change by sonic revolution. We urge you to join the resistance and help us combat the mediocre audio and visual programming that is being fed to the inhabitants of Earth, this programming is stagnating the minds of the people; building a wall between races and preventing world peace. It is this wall we are going to smash. By using the untapped energy potential of sound we are going to destroy this wall much the same as certain frequencies shatter glass. Techno is a music based in experimentation; it is music for the future of the human race. Without this music there will be no peace, no love, no vision. By simply communicating through sound, techno has brought people of all different nationalities together under one roof to enjoy themselves. Isn't it obvious that music and dance are the keys to the universe? So called primitive animals and tribal humans have known this for thousands of years! We urge all brothers and sisters of the underground to create and transmit their tones and frequencies no matter how so called primitive their equipment may be. Transmit these tones and wreak havoc on the programmers!

Long live the underground..."

jeudi 3 juillet 2008

Reality Hacking

1. Become a Mad, Wild, Crazy Spiritual Alchemist

Don't get stuck in rule-bound spiritual applications. Follow your instincts instead. Play with new combinations, share ideas, finger-paint with tradition and mix it up.

2. Don't Kill the Quantum

The fluid world is around us all the time. Sometimes we even manage to stumble into contact with it and have an extraordinary and unexplainable experience. Unfortunately, these rare and fantastic experiences are so alien to our established sense of reality that our first instinct is to clamp the experience off and pretend it didn’t happen. As soon as you can train yourself to not explain away random spiritual events you will be ready for the next reality hacking tip.

3. Follow Your "Hackcidents"

This tip is the simplest idea of the three and probably the most powerful. A "hackcident" is spiritual accident that can be reverse engineered into a stable reality hack.

Here's how you do it: Instead of shutting down an extraordinary event — follow it. Don’t run away from a reality-bending experience. Train yourself to run towards it. Shove your foot in the door and start scootching your way in. Ask questions. What is this? How is it happening? Why is it happening? Muster every bit of your curiosity, knowledge, personal training and sense of adventure and put it to work. See if you can find out more about what this thing is and how it might function. This is your White Rabbit. Learn to follow it all the way down the rabbit hole and you just might find Wonderland.

"The fun part is that you don't have to be a professional scientist or a highly developed monk or yogi in order to understand reality hacking concepts or use them effectively," says Bruder. " You just have to be ready to break every rule of reality, work in some wild, warped gray areas and generally operate so far outside the box that you can mix hard science and ancient spirituality with comic books and video games to make something happen."

It is definitely fun, often messy and even scary at moments!

Ce texte est extrait du site ; je vous recommande vivement d'aller y faire un tour.